Kirchhoff's Laws

 Kirchhoff's Laws (किरचॉफ के नियम) विद्युतीय सरकियों के व्यवहार को समझने में मदद करते हैं। इन नियमों का प्रयोग करके हम संयोजकीय और विद्युतीय जंक्शन में संगठित रूप से विद्युतीय के worksing का विश्लेषण कर सकते हैं।

Kirchhoff's First Law (किरचॉफ का प्रथम नियम) also known as the law of conservation of charge (आपत्ति के संरक्षण का नियम) states that the algebraic sum of currents entering and leaving a junction (or a node) in an electrical circuit is zero. In simple way it mean that the total current flowing to a junction is equal to the total current flowing out of that junction of circuit.

Kirchhoff First rule can be expressed by following.

जानिए क्या होता है क्लिक करे Ohm's Law (ओम का नियम)

ΣI_in = ΣI

Where ΣI = Sum of currents enter the junction (जंक्शन में दाखिल होने वाली धाराओं का योग) ΣI = Sum of currents leaving throw the junction (जंक्शन से निकलने वाली धाराओं का योग)

Kirchhoff Second Law (किरचॉफ का द्वितीय नियम) also known as the voltage law (वोल्टेज का नियम) states that the sum of the electromotive forces (EMFs or voltages) in any closed loop or mesh in an electrical circuit is equal to the sum of the voltage drops in that loop

Kirchhoff's Second Law can be expressed as:

Σ E.M.F = ΣV the voltage drop

Where ΣE. M. F. = Sum of electromotive forces (विद्युत उत्प्रेरक बलों का योग) ΣV drop thro the circuit = Sum of voltage drops (वोल्टेज गिरावटों का योग)

 एक घण्टे मे आनलाइन पैसे कैसे कमा सकते है

Kirchhoff's Laws are used to analyze complex electrical circuits, determine unknown currents or voltages, and solve circuit problems. They provide a systematic approach to circuit analysis and are essential tools for electrical engineers and technicians.

By applying Kirchhoff's Laws we can calculate currents and voltages at different points in a circuit determine the distribution of current in parallel branches, and analyze the behavior of interconnected circuit elements.

In short Kirchhoff's Laws are fundamental principles in electrical science that help us analyze and understand the behavior of electrical circuits. Knowledge of these laws is crucial for solving circuit problems and designing efficient electrical systems.